Trapping Radio 144, Live market coyote trapping, coyote co-op, trap clean up at end of season



trapping radio podcast




This week on Trapping Across America we have a guest host, Chip Davis from Expand-A-Pans. Chip has a very interesting interview talking about live market coyote trapping in Mississippi. Plus he is a member of a coyote co-op, Trappers working together to have a more stable market. How cool is that! Chip also talks about state trapping associations. Then some ways to close up this trapping season by cleaning up your traps. Instead of waiting to the last moment before prime time this fall. Chip does a great job for us this week. I re-broke some ribs that I broke this summer and I don’t think I could project my voice for an hour. Like Chip says, he is my Laura Ingram. Now that’s funny no matter who you are.


black coyote trapped trapping

















Our sponsors this week are as follows:

Okie Cable & Trap Supply, They are large enough to get you a deal, and small enough to give you the customer service you need. Make sure to check out their web-site at

If you need big pans call Jeb and ask about the Expand-A-Pans, Go Big or Go Home!

Jeb is having a spring blowout on Duke Dog Proof Traps. He is turning them loose for only $130.00 a doz. This sales is only as long as supplies last.

Wildlife Control Supplies, Proven Solutions for Wildlife control! If you are in the ADC business or are thinking about it, WCS is a company that has what you are looking for and a proven dependable company to work with. Check them out at Wildlife Control Supplies

F&T Fur Harvester’s Trading Post, “Everything you need for Trapping, Hunting with Hounds and Predator Calling”. Check out their web-site

DUNLAP LURES, a hard-core trapper that puts his trap line experience into his lures and baits. DUNLAP LURES

Predator Control Group’s product of the week is NEW PORTABLE POCKET DVD

“It is up to you, your choice. Be creative, think for yourself, live outside the box, stomp on the status quo! If you choose to not design your life, you will live a life that is designed for you by someone who does not have your best interest in mind. Real men do NOT follow, they lead, period! Your life, your trap line, your thoughts are yours, remember the faces of your fathers you are a FREE MEN, remember this, more importantly act like it and trap like it!”

Clint Locklear

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