This week on Trapping Radio we have a great interview with Gerald Schmitt from Schmitt Enterprises. How to trap and catch mink, raccoons and muskrats, no that is not right, how to trap and catch a ton of mink, raccoons and muskrats. Gerald has caught over 700 mink…..that is not a typo…….several hundred raccoons and muskrats in a single trapping season. So if your into mink trapping, this show in right in your wheel house. To see what Gerald is up too, check out Schmitt Enterprises
Our sponsors this week are as follows:
Okie Cable & Trap Supply, They are large enough to get you a deal, and small enough to give you the customer service you need. Make sure to check out their web-site at
Jeb is having a spring blowout on Duke Dog Proof Traps. He is turning them loose for only $130.00 a doz. This sales is only as long as supplies last.
Wildlife Control Supplies, Proven Solutions for Wildlife control! If you are in the ADC business or are thinking about it, WCS is a company that has what you are looking for and a proven dependable company to work with. Check them out at Wildlife Control Supplies
F&T Fur Harvester’s Trading Post, “Everything you need for Trapping, Hunting with Hounds and Predator Calling”. Check out their web-site
Blue Ridge Outdoor Supplies, they have fast, friendly service and enjoy talking with trappers. See what they have to offer at
Predator Control Group’s product of the week is NEW PORTABLE POCKET DVD on SALE!. very limited time.
Note from Clint…….I will be at the New York show this year. Never been to this convention before. If you are in the area, come by and say hello. I will be giving a different style demo, I will be explaining how to make money and a living from trapping. If you are interested in such things, come to the NY convention this year.