Post Tagged with: "coyote trapping"

by in Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 290, coyote trapping, dog proof raccoon trapping, T-bone and Skull flat set, coyote scat uses

Predator Control Group new deer, hog and bear lure scents will be first available to smell and see form HILLTOP OUTDOORS this weekend at the Iowa Deer Classic. So if your into hunting, check them out. We put our lure […]

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by in Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapper Radio 283, coyote and predator trapping in a scientific personal manner

We all run trap here, but……on yes there is a but! How do you look at your trap line as far as getting better and more efficient. You can say, its just for fun, and good for you, but would […]

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by in Bobcat Trapping, Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 252, how to use, what is best, why use drags for coyote, bobcat, fox and raccoon trapping

This week on Trapping radio we will get nipple deep into drags for coyotes, bobcats, fox, raccoon, beaver and otter. What is the best kind of drag for you, well that depends on what you want the drag to do […]

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by in Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 251, fish for coyote trapping bait, how trapping or why trapping?

This week on Trapping radio, we will look at fish for coyote trapping bait, fresh ground, salted or even dried. These are different products that will get different results as coyote, bobcat and fox bait. Then we look into two […]

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by in Beaver, Bobcat Trapping, Catching Coyotes, Snaring, Trapping, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 249, creative way to trap coyote, fox, bobcats to beaver, hog poison, goal trappers mindset

This week on Trapping radio we look at using catch dirt to turn on on other set and catching more animals.  You can use this to catch coyotes, fox, bobcats, beaver, otter and raccoon. A cheap way to get the […]

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by in Catching Coyotes, Raccoon Trapping, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 248, scent on gloves coyote trapping, North America Fur Auction, making coyote bait, Freedom Brand FB2 trigger

This week on Trapping Radio we get into scent from bait and lure on gloves or hands coyote trapping, does it matter? Human and man made scent can always be a mental game to trappers. The problem is that we […]

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by in Bobcat Trapping, Catching Coyotes, Raccoon Trapping, Trapping, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 235, Nasty trapping for coyotes to Raccoons, zombie rifle, inventory for ADC Business, eating beaver butts

Trapping Radio 235     Guys, the educational video site is up, if you want to learn what I know, no holds bar! go to You can save $577.00 and see all my videos..uncut..for less than $10.00 each by […]

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by in Catching Coyotes, Trapping, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 234, how to catch coyotes with a creative set, poaching and dealing will drama queen trappers

Trapping Radio 234     Guys, the educational video site is up, if you want to learn what I know, no holds bar! go to You can save $577.00 and see all my videos..uncut..for less than $10.00 each by […]

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by in Bobcat Trapping, Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping radio 232, bobcat and coyote refusal , professional skunk trapping, state or federal lands

Trapping Radio 232     Guys, the educational video site is up, if you want to learn what I know, no holds bar! go to You can save $577.00 and see all my videos..uncut..for less than $10.00 each by […]

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by in Catching Coyotes, Trapping, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 228, DARIN FREEBOURGH has passed away to the greater trapping grounds, we will miss him.

Trapping Radio 228     Guys, the educational video site is up, if you want to learn what I know, no holds bar! go to You can save $577.00 and see all my videos..uncut..for less than $10.00 each by […]

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