Post Tagged with: "clint locklear"

by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Man Strong Podcast 34, prudence and estrogen

Real men know how to think in the old time saying …Prudence. Then we look at what it means for a man to have high estrogen. Funke Trap Tag & Supplies is the sponsor for The Rant of a […]

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by in Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 377, new years resolutions, good or bad, up to you.

Happy 2020….how strange to as a trapper have you made a new years resolution? if so, are you going to stick with it. Do you have a plan to make it happen. Change is tough, but it can be […]

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by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Man strong Podcast 33,weak things break and let’s just call it lazy!

Weak things break, you know like lower backs and bad knees. Are they hurt because they a strong or weak? We look at these things today like it is age or a factor that has zero to do with us. […]

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by in Bobcat Trapping, Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 376, scent control for coyotes, bobcat boxes and trapping philosophy.

What is a good level of human scent control for coyotes and fox. If you stressing over scent control, you are probably going over board. Then we look at bobcat boxes for bobcats, the good, bad and the ugly. we […]

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by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Man Strong Podcast 32, seeing abs is healthy propaganda, or maybe a sign poverty, you decide.

The message we all see as being in shape is the six pack of abs that starving fitness models show off. Is this what being in shape means? I guess if your a guy trying to impress other guys, real […]

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by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Manstrong Podcast 31, be humble but strong and dangerous, impeachment, and building strong forearms. Funke Trap Tag & Supplies is the sponsor for The Rant of a Free Trapper.Funke Trap Tag & Supplies is a trusted trap supply company from Iowa. They have a full line of trapping and snaring supplies for you […]

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by in Trapping, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio Podcast 374, too much trapping info? animal management, trap and snare gadgets.

On Trapping Radio we start off with a trapping question from a listener. Do we have too much trapping info today. Is it good or bad. Can we cherry pick from several trapping systems. Lesson from Costa Rica about animal […]

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by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Man Strong Podcast 30, parents being kids best friend, cool gym experience and growing muscle is not getting stronger sometimes

On Man Strong podcast I tell a cool experience while in Costa Rica. Then a more serious question for men, are you your kids best friend or parent? which ever way you choose, make sure you do it on purpose. […]

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by in Beaver, Bobcat Trapping, Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 373, Costa Rica, picking better traps for you, river trapping from muskrats to coyotes

Just got back from Costa Rica, interesting tax lessons. Then we look at traps, some get better results in different areas in different soil types. We end the show with river trapping from a boat. Why, because river trapping is […]

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by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Man Strong Podcast 29, messaging, and building real life power in strength

A real man has to think for himself. Which means he can listen to messaging and not follow the tribe because the tribe says what is the truth. Then we look at building power in your training, by lifting in […]

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