Post Tagged with: "business"

by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Man Strong Podcast 105, 3 reasons men can fail in life.

3 reasons men can fall short in their goals as men. Some of these reasons a learned or made up by the man. Sometimes is making money, starting a business or gaining muscle and getting in shape. Funke Trap […]

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by in Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio podcast 473, summer coyote scouting and thoughts on making real money

Trapping Radio Podcast 473 starts off with summer coyote scouting for traps and snare. What you need to know to be the best coyote trapper you can be. The we get into a different thought process for making more money […]

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by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Man Strong Podcast 80, some men suck at life and some don’t, what is the main reason

We all see how life effects men, some crush it. They handle money well, handle a marriage well, some handle their business well and some men keep their health. The sad thing is other men suck at it all and […]

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by in Trapping, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 396, Amazon is no longer selling trapping stuff, bad but an opportunity. There is always an opportunity.

Amazon is no longer selling traps, or trapping stuff. This will crush a lot of business for some, but an opportunity for some. Just like Jeff sold homeless repellent to California. Changes are always tough, but changes are where the […]

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by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Man Strong Podcast 46, your have to own it, you cash, business and health

You can not change your past, it is done, but you can change your future. You have to man up and own it. Are you short of cash, own it, then change it. If your business is struggling, own it, […]

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by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Man Strong podcast 37, real men act like ants not lazy boys.

Ants are an amazing role model for real men today. Ants are like strong men not weak lazy boys that sleep to much and play video games like it is a full time job. Funke Trap Tag & Supplies […]

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by in Rant of a Free Trapper, Trapping Radio Shows

Rant of A free Trapper 57, The natural state of man is a romantic idea, but sucks in real life, plus part time business

The natural state of man, and what this has to do with the world we live in today. Which camp do you fall in? Then a question about business, what if you can only work a revenue stream part of […]

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by in Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 281, The best way to make a living trapping, the best way to set traps around cows and animals don’t read books

What is the best way to set traps with cows in a cow pasture. I will go over the ways I have set to catch coyotes, bobcats and fox. What is the best way to do this, sorry there is […]

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by in Catching Coyotes, Predator Control, Trapping, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 218, Interview with my CPA Terry, let’s be a man about our money the same as our trap line.

Trapping Radio 218     Guys, the educational video site is up, if you want to learn what I know, no holds bar! go to You can save $577.00 and see all my videos..uncut..for less than $10.00 each by […]

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by in Beaver, Trapping, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 183, how to trap beaver with foothold trap to get high percentage results, income thoughts

Trapping Radio 183       This week on Trapping Radio we are looking at how to trap beaver with footholds, is the back foot or front foot catch the best? Plus we look at predator control as a business […]

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