Rants of a Free Trapper 7, the art of the non governed


rant of a free trapper 7


Just a few thoughts on the art of being non governed. Lets look all the way back to the 12th century in South Asia. What was the state or government based on and is it the same today, yes it is! At the same time the state controlled the valleys but the hill people was not easy to force into the state. Why was this, is it the same today.

Something new I will be doing from time to time, The Rant of a Free Trapper. This is just some of my thoughts, not so much about trapping per say, but as you know, trapping is a part of me so it will come out. These shows are more about critical thinking, business, health, money, politics, philosophy and odd ball things that I think about. Please note that this is not a safe space for mental weakness or ego. Hope you enjoy.

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