by admin
If you are not part of this course and want to know what is in it, more importantly why should you care. Below are not all, but some of the topics and lessons you can expect to learn by taking this course. If you want to join the course email me (Clint Locklear) at and I will help get your income streams up and running. There is a cost of course, it is $299.00 for 6 months. If you are busy, no need to fret, this course is to learn and take at your own speed. One note however, please take and study on each module one or two at a time. This way you don’t get too excited or get information overload, because this is a thinking course, not a take a test from memorizing course. We will prime your creative mental pumps, so you can go out and build your own long term income streams. Plus I will gladly give you a business model that can pay for this course and several thousands of dollars left over that is very simple and cost you next to nothing!
- First off there is a intro, to explain the site to you
- why you really need your own business and income streams
- why story telling is so important and how to do this to reach customers and build fans
- understanding the difference between R and K customers, you have to know this
- Why 80% of most businesses fail, and how not to make the same mistakes they are
- Who exactly is your customer, the bases of advertising, marketing and most businesses really are clueless on this
- Learning to speak the same language as your customer, or why if you don’t your toast
- Learning to not waste your time and money marketing to folks that are not your customer and never will be
- How and why a entrepreneur can print money from thin air, and why most businesses struggle to make ends meet
- Why cash flow is so important, even more important than profit. Let’s understand this and design you income streams for this
- understanding value. value real and perceived to customers
- we cover several business models that anyone can follow and profit from
- what is the difference between a business and a entrepreneur, oh yes there is a difference, you probably want to be an entrepreneur
- Choose the right business for you, not one that is expected of you by others
- we will show you how and why to start an income stream that is low cost to start with, no loans needed!
- several and many agriculture ways to generate income from land
- how and why to design the business for your life style, not what other think it should be for you
- you will learn what I know from from decades of being self employed
- why streams of income or more important than a single business idea
- how to design and build web site
- How I have a domination of web sites and search engines how to this in the trapping industry, micro mesh system
- Learn about SEO, if you don’t, don’t waste your time on a web site
- How to build a free web site
- why most web sites are not found by customers
- how and what Google search engines are looking for
- a neat trick to get on the first page of Google, simple and no money needed!
- how to turn paw paw trees into a $20,000 to $40,000 income stream
- How I got so many and well paying customers in my Predator Control Business
- How to find your sweet spot in business, and not be in the pack like most people are
- Most businesses are busy but not productive, why?
- Why content is king on a web site, and most businesses miss this mark
- How not to have one on the millions of web sites that no one cares about
- How to learn from customers, their reactions and actions to build more income into your business
- How to think creatively and not be another clone like most in the business world
- Internet marketing
- Why to have a web site, if you think its only to sell, boy are you in for a surprise
- should you have a podcast, you might be surprised
- how to make money from a podcast
- The best way to profit from You Tube
- patent, how, why and should you?
- Purple cow, oh yes you need one!
- The “your why” of an income stream, you better get this right
- business skill sets
- 80/20 rule and how most businesses are screwing this up
- your family and what you better pay attention too as a business owner
- social media, the big do’s and never do. This will explain why most businesses suck with social media and it hurting their profits
- having a social media plan, so you don’t turn off customers, even if this is what most businesses are doing everyday
- looking at the tourist business, and why you might want to consider this
- baby steps always out do running
- book keeping
- tax planning
- why you need a CPA
- how to find a good CPA
- An interview with my CPA
- why you should be renting to yourself
- understanding expenses, depreciation and loans to and from yourself to business
- learn to think so you are an original
- learning to build a content plan of attack
- non profits, 501 (c)3’s
- why or if you should have a trust
- Is a team or partners better for your bottom line
- learn the power of up selling and how to do it right
- why blogs always beat standard run of the mill web sites
- learning mark up in the real world
- how to convert mad and upset customers in into fans and sales people for free
- How marketing has changed form 5 years ago, and why most businesses are wasting their money on marketing that does not work today
- Oh yes, their is more, plus you will always be able to be in the conversation of new classes in the Business talk of the course and get new lessons for free in the future.