Trapping Radio Shows

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Trapping Radio Podcast 453, be a lazy trapper, amazing trapping tool, soil types in trapping

A good trapper is not one that works to work hard but who catches animals. If that is your goal, be lazy when you can, coyote to raccoon trapping. Then we look at one amazing trapping tool that I have […]

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by in Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 452 – Becoming and staying healthy on your trapline!

Tonight on Trapping Radio we have a little different type of a show. Chip from Expand-A-Pan sits down with an interesting and entertaining interview w/ Dr. Jerry, who is one of the leading physicians in the South and also a […]

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by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping radio 451 and Man strong 91 combo. Becoming a monster trapper and making money today.

What are the traits to be a high performance trapper? We cover these in detail. We also look at the world right now and where is the opportunity? You have to find the emotion of today and give customers a […]

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by in Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio Podcast 450, Jeff Dunlap and Clint Locklear talk to students from their trapping school. very entertaining.

Jeff Dunlap and Clint Locklear talk to students from their trapping school. very entertaining. Why and what did these students go to learn more about trapping and snaring. How has the school helped them after the trapping class. Sign […]

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by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Man Strong podcast 90, Leadership, why real men characteristics are better than the week, building more muscle and stronger joints

weak people make for weak leaders, strong men can be great leaders if they are not selfish. How to build more muscle with less and building strong functioning shoulders. Funke Trap Tag & Supplies is the sponsor for The […]

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by in Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio Podcast 449, coyote trap placement, snare, The sandbox and the jab

We cover a lot on tonight’s show, I want you to work with me on coyote tapping, what is the best place to place the trap at a set. Look at raccoon snaring. Why snare or not and the best […]

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by in Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio Podcast 448, A few thoughts and ways to generate money for the NTA mission. Dealers talk openly.

This show is a shot in the dark for the NTA. A few trapping guys that are business owners who spit ball some ways for the NTA to get more money to defend trappers and trappers. If they have more […]

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by in Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio Podcast 447, Lets talk about the NTA, why are we doing this? becoming a much better trapper

The trapper is his or her best teacher, but you have to learn to think, notice patterns and adjust. If you do, you will become better. If you keep giving excuses to yourself and other, well you are stuck. I […]

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by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Man Strong Podcast 89, get you money right and should a man strive for show or go muscle.

A few thought on men that want to make more money, what to strive for and what not to do. Then the big question, as we get older, should we strive for show muscles or muscles that can produce force […]

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by in Raccoon Trapping, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio Podcast 446, Justin Deaver, what a classy trapper that racks up the fur with a full time job.

So you have a full time job, do you use this as a reason to not catch a ton of fur. Justin Deaver does exactly this, plus he spends time every day with his wife and kids. Justin is a […]

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