Articles by: admin

by in Bobcat Trapping, Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio Podcast 459, blind sets, mafia sets plus odd ball sets to catch coyotes to muskrats

We look at some sets tonight, the blind set for trapping and even explain the mafia set. We look at odd ball sets that do not fall into the standard categories of trap sets. you can use these sets to […]

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by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Man Strong Podcast 94, self defense, think like a man not a boy.

Self defense is a human right that can get in the way of politically correctness. Men are not harmless or they should not be. Funke Trap Tag & Supplies is the sponsor for The Rant of a Free Trapper.Funke […]

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by in Beaver, Bobcat Trapping, Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio Podcast 458, Flat set to catch coyotes to beaver, money is not everything.

Tonight we look at the flat set. You can catch everything from coyotes, bobcats, fox, raccoon, beaver, muskrats, fisher and wolf. Once you understand the flat set and why it is so deadly. Once you understand it, you can catch […]

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by in Bobcat Trapping, Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio Podcast 457, dirt hole sets for coyotes, bobcats, fox and raccoons.

I’m backing up a little to cover some more basic topics for newer trappers. The dirt hole is a basic common trap set, but let’s look at it to be able to catch the most fur them. We cover dirt […]

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by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Man Strong Podcast, sliding calorie to loose weight, men can make more money by

Going on a diet can be rough, a sliding calorie diet gives you rewards for lower calorie day. This is a simple idea that lets you loose fat and still feel like a normal human. If you are a man […]

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by in Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio Podcast 456, trapping, snaring, cold rolling on the fly

What if you drop into a new place to trap or snare and you have not planned out the line. What can you do? we will cover how Clint Locklear in the past has planned a productive trap line. […]

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by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Man Strong Podcast 92, lessons from Mick Jagger, AC/DC and science about muscle.

Mick Jagger at 78 can move better, faster and longer than most 20 year olds, How is that possible. What does science show us about getting weaker as we get older, you may be surprised. Funke Trap Tag & […]

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by in Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio Podcast 455, Jeff Dunlap with Trapper J…Justin Baucom….trapping and You Tube Videos

Trapper J talks about getting into You Tube videos we all see on his channel. Plus him and Jeff Dunlap talk about trapping and how he got into catching animals. Sign up for the Trapping Radio Fur Brigade and […]

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by in Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio Podcast 454, Jeff Dunlap and Allen Dubord talk about Wolf trap and trapping and living in Alaska.

Jeff Dunlap from Dunlap Lures interviews Allen Dubord talk about the Manning #9 Wolf trap. One of the original modern wolf traps. Plus Jeff and Allen talk about trapping in the snow of Alaska and what it is like living […]

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by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Man Strong Podcast 91, men use their mind more than pure feelings and finding your way to stay fit and strong as you get older.

Our world today is running off feelings, not logic or reason. That is why our world is in pure chaos. Real men use their mind and boys run off of feelings. Then we look at what your thing is, so […]

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