Global warming or now climate change, which a few decades ago was the coming ice age and acid rain and the ozone Apocalypse is over the top. Do I think man can and is changing the local climate in parts of the world, absolutely! We can see this in the middle east, Africa and California. This is very different than the money grab of the carbon credits and taxes. We have already had global warming after two ice ages, the middle ages little ice, and the cooler temps of the 1960’s-1970’s. SUV’s, coal, oil and cow farts had nothing to do with it the first four global warming s, it is the pattern of nature over a long period of time. Sometimes man has to understand that the big cycles of nature is not under his or her control. Now, man salting the soil, destroying top soil, making deserts from fertile land, screwing up water sources, wiping out bugs and other wildlife with short term thinking,now this we do have some control over.
Just think about when you were a kid, a road trip would fill the windshield and car grill with thousands and thousands of bugs, butterflies and moths, now you get a few after a month of so of driving day after day. So things are changing and not seeing it is just as messed up as the followers of the global warming religious members.
Something new I will be doing from time to time, The Rant of a Free Trapper. This is just some of my thoughts, not so much about trapping per say, but as you know, trapping is a part of me so it will come out. These shows are more about critical thinking, business, health, money, politics, philosophy and odd ball things that I think about. Please note that this is not a safe space for mental weakness or ego. Hope you enjoy.
Hilltop Outdoors Supply is the sponsor for The Rant of a Free Trapper. Hilltop Outdoors Supply is a trusted trap supply company from Iowa. They have a full line of trapping and snaring supplies for you fur takers out there. They are one of the good guy helping trappers with great products and good price, but more importantly they are trust worthy. Check out their store by clicking on there logo below. If you like the Rants of a Free Trapper please let Hilltop know you appreciate them being a sponsor. Without the sponsors we would have to charge for the cost of running Trapping Radio. So Hilltop is a big help in us bringing you the podcasts. Allen is the owner and the guy that can make sure you get what you need.