This week on Trapping Radio we are going to get into the true secret of trapping better than you are right now. You may be thinking it is a trapping location, a certain set, magic lure or bait or the perfect trapping system. Not so, the true secret to being a better trapper is your brain, how you think and the will to be better. I must warn you, this is not a normal Trapping Radio show. If you are the right person, this show will make perfect sense, if you’re not ready for it, you may not like it. We will be talking about the Fur Market next week, so it will be more of a normal style show. If you like this topic let me know, if not let me know. There is more to trapping to than setting sets and sometimes they are interesting to get into.
Our sponsors this week are as follows:
Okie Cable & Trap Supply, They are large enough to get you a deal, and small enough to give you the customer service you need. Make sure to check out their web-site at
Wildlife Control Supplies, Proven Solutions for Wildlife control! If you are in the ADC business or are thinking about it, WCS is a company that has what you are looking for and a proven dependable company to work with. Check them out at Wildlife Control Supplies
F&T Fur Harvester’s Trading Post, “Everything you need for Trapping, Hunting with Hounds and Predator Calling”. Check out their web-site
Blue Ridge Outdoor Supplies, they have fast, friendly service and enjoy talking with trappers. See what they have to offer at
Predator Control Group’s product of the week is Dirt Holes Beyond The Basics.
PROFESSIONAL TRAPPING DVD SERIES Follow with Predator Control Group as Clint Locklear drills down on natural dirt hole methods that out produce the “standard dirt hole methods”. This DVD is geared toward the coyote trapper that wants to be above average on his trap line. One hour hour of intensive advanced dirt hole techniques that equal more fur in your fur shed. Learn how to be a true coyote taker, not a confused fox trapper, trying to fox trap your coyotes. Plus these natural sets will get you more cats, fox and big boar coon.
Amen Brother! Preach On! People are hungry for truth and honest talk.
People are tired of pablum puking lukewarm platitudes. They are tired of the nattering nabobs of negativism. They are tired of the everybody wins and nobody loses political correctness. The American man is capable of going anywhere, doing anything and asking for nothing in return. Our so called leaders are hell bent on destroying individual success so they can control survival.
You are so right when you say that the average man is afraid. He is afraid of losing. He is also afraid of winning. He is afraid of being noticed. He is afraid of not being noticed. He is afraid of the judgement of his peers. He is afraid of the judgement of his woman. In the end, he is afraid of what he was born to be.
I hope people listening to your voice understand that what you are saying applies not just to trapping, but to life. It applies to jobs, careers, relationships, raising kids – and every other endeavor worth undertaking. I will be using some of the material you presented to inspire my team of computer programmers. Excellence and honesty knows no bounds.
My friend, this is the single best episode you have ever produced, and I hope people understand what you are giving them for free. You could make a fortune lecturing on the corporate circuit.
This show was amazing to listen. I put this on my ipod so I can listen to it over and over again. Clint thank you for everything you’re doing brother! Keep up the fantastic work. Best of luck on the trap line!
I Thought this weeks show was great. It was just the kick in the pants I needed. This years season in Wisconsin has been tough. The weather has been very hard on everyone. You just have to want it, and keep trying. Getting ready for another round of -20 low temps with highs around -8, lots of snow on top of that. Trappin is a hell of a life, just have to get out there and get after it. Hopefully by seasons end I’ll have something figured out. Keep up the good work and keep telling the truth as it should be told.
Great show Clint, thank you, and please do more of them.
It is good to hear refreshing true information for a change!
Clint you nailed it, I have come along way in life…personally, finacially, ect…
I hear from people all the time things like…it must be nice to have your house, it must be nice to have your job, it must be nice to go out of state hunting, ect…ect..
This kind of thinking used to irritate me…anymore it doesnt.
What all of those people have failed to see is that I have been kicking and clawing my way for 20 years and I apologize to nobody.
My self and my wife have picked up and moved across the country…I have missed Holidays, baseball games, birthdays you name it. I hasnt been easy, but I refuse to be sub par. I know what I want and when I want it I go after it and blame knowbody but myself when my goals are not achevied.
Clint, you and I could be kindred spirits…we think alot alike, I am not sure if that is an insult to you or myself!
Keep doing what you are doing because it is refreshing to many of us I am sure.