Post Tagged with: "lures"

by in Bobcat Trapping, Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio podcast 416, snares, snare cable, bait stations, lure, bait, how much and when.

Its trapping season, snares and cables are on some trappers minds. So we look look at trapping with snares from cable to bait stations. what is the best cable, why use 1×19 cable. Then what is the best bait and […]

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by in Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 410, Jeff Dunlap interviews the great Russ Carman

Jeff Dunlap interviews the master Lure Maker and exceptional trapper from Pennsylvania RUSS CARMEN. He is one of the giants of the trapping game for many decades. Jeff and Russ talk about all kind of trapping subjects. Note to […]

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by in Bobcat Trapping, Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 330, trapping Craft, and the copy cat boys with Clint and Jeff Dunlap

On Trapping Radio tonight, we have Jeff Dunlap from Dunlap Lures and a good friend is with me tonight. First off, we start with understanding trapping locations in a deeper manner. Jeff is a trap location NINJA as you will […]

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by in Bobcat Trapping, Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio 298, mastering coyote trapping with setting mode and understanding coyote lures for trapping

The trapping coyote wolfers used a method that most trappers today have forgotten. It is the responsibility of the coyote trapper to set the mood for the coyote. We will cover this in detail on tonight’s trapping podcast. Then we […]

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