Post Tagged with: "clint locklear"

by in Beaver, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping radio podcast 441, Beaver facts for a beaver trapper to trap and catch more beaver.

I was asked to look and talk about the beaver and habits in a detail way. So that’s what we get into. For any trapper to be better, you have to know the animal you are trying to catch with […]

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by in Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio Podcast 431, How trappers can make more money, without selling fur to a buyer

How trappers can make more money, without selling fur to a buyer. Trappers need to think out of the box. Sign up for the Trapping Radio Fur Brigade and start saving money today! Plus you will be supporting Trapping […]

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by in Beaver, Bobcat Trapping, Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping radio 423, mirrors for bobcats, drags for beaver trapping, coyote trapping and bobcat trapping

We cover a lot of trapping questions to night on Trapping Radio. We cover coyote, bobcat, badger and beaver trapping. We have some great questions that are thought provoking. If you have questions for your trap line, send them to […]

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by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Man Strong Podcast 74, be a man and change the game. Adding one pound at a time to build muscle and strength

A man is not a sucker, he does not play games that are set up to make it impossible to win. One political side plays by one set of rules and the other plays by another set of rules. Only […]

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by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Man Strong Podcast 73, be your own hero character, be a better man, 1 pound increase in bench press, weight vests

How to be a better man, think of your day like you are the main character of your own movie when it shows you becoming the hero in your own movie. You will be more productive, because no one wants […]

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by in Bobcat Trapping, Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio podcast 418, critical thinking for trappers is a must.

Trappers see things with their eyes that goes against what they are told. It is the job of the trapper to work the problem to come up with a practical response. We all believe in what we believe in, but […]

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by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Man Strong Podcast 72, sour grapes is not a manly thing, Glenn Beck confuses me.

Sour grapes is an old fable that has a amazing lesson for men. Sour grapes steals your dreams and kills your ambition. Plus we look at caving to the left if Trump pulls off the election. Funke Trap Tag […]

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by in Bobcat Trapping, Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio Podcast 417, lessons learned from a trapper to other trappers that trap and snare

I cover all the things that I think have helped me become a better trapper. I hope you can use some of these to be come a better trapper and snare man. When i started trapping i sucked, but over […]

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by in man strong podcast, Trapping Radio Shows

Man Strong Podcast 71, violence is not always evil or cruel. Real men can be violent when needed with control.

Today’s world tells us the violence is bad and a form of evil, but real men can be violent when needed, but very controlled. If we teach kids that violence is always wrong, you will only get submissive kids. Let […]

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by in Bobcat Trapping, Catching Coyotes, Trapping Radio Shows

Trapping Radio podcast 416, snares, snare cable, bait stations, lure, bait, how much and when.

Its trapping season, snares and cables are on some trappers minds. So we look look at trapping with snares from cable to bait stations. what is the best cable, why use 1×19 cable. Then what is the best bait and […]

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